Social Work

HOA Social Worker - Pam CoffeyOur Social Work Department has three social workers with many years of experience. Pamela Coffey, LCSW-R, Stacey Menzari, M.S. and Jodi Valentine-Sanson, LCSW are available to all patients and their family members for counseling, bereavement, and group support, as well as to assist our patients with finding opportunities to deal with financial challenges. 

Hope and confidence are needed to counter the emotional drain on individuals who must deal with cancer. From surprise to denial, anger to fear, uncertainty to despair, the emotional reaction to cancercan take a toll on marriages, relationships, and livelihoods.Support groups can help patients, caregivers and family members share their experiences,Stacey Menzari, M.S. regain control and get on with their lives.

HOA offers a free, ongoing support group for Young Breast Cancer Patients - under age 50. Please call 315-472-7504 ext 1068 for details and to reserve your spot. 

HOA Social Worker - Jodi Valentine-Sanson, LCSWIn addition, there are several local organizations that offer a variety of supports. Please click here, for a list of Community Resources available to you.