Understanding Advance Directives

Link to Health Care Proxy Form and Living Will

  • Health Care Proxy: A health care proxy allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions for you (should you be unable to make your wishes known). Your designated Health Care Agent should be someone close to you that you trust, and you should discuss your wishes with this person.
  • Living Will: A Living Will details specifics about your medical treatment wishes. If you were to become seriously ill, your living will would guide your healthcare team and lets them know exactly what types of interventions you would like or which interventions you do not want.
  • Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order: A DNR will prevent healthcare practitioners from initiating emergency procedures in attempt to resuscitate you should you stop breathing or your heart stop beating. A DNR can facilitate a natural death for terminally ill patients.
  • Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatments (MOLST): The bright pink MOLST form outlines end-of-life wishes for terminally ill patients. This form is completed with your doctor and should stay with you at all times. Keep it readily available at home and bring it with you to hospital visits, etc.

HOA has specially trained Advanced Practice and Social Workers who can meet with you and your family if you are interested learning more about Advanced Directives. Please let your team know at any time and we will arrange an Advanced Care Planning Visit for you.